Saturday, November 2, 2013

Where He Wants Me

The last time I wrote on this blog I was really searching.  I had just encountered a major setback and was looking for answers.  I was really wanting God to reveal to me what His plan for me, as far as a career, should be.

After I didn't pass the NMLS exam I decided that I should look into substitute teaching until I could figure out a more concrete plan.  It took a couple of weeks to get going, but I was soon substitute teaching every day in the Wylie school system where Jennifer teaches and Elisa is a student.  I was really enjoying it and decided that I needed to use this as a catalyst to get back into the classroom full time.  Subbing was helping me to sharpen my rusty classroom management skills and network with school principals and other teachers. Within a couple of weeks, we decided that I should broaden the area in which I was working.  So, I applied to be a sub in the Richardson school district too.

I had substitute orientation in Richardson on a Wednesday morning toward the beginning of October.  That afternoon I got a phone call from the automated system informing me of a job at O. Henry Elementary school teaching 5th grade Language Arts.  I took the job.  I was excited to already have a job lined up, especially since it was at the school where my friend is the school nurse.

When I first walked into OHE I loved it.  It was comfortable in its own skin like the elementary school I attended when I was a child.  It was a little, humble school that catered to young students who might have to work a little harder to become something due to their demographic and home lives.  The students were receptive to me and things went well.  Half-way through the day, during lunch, I learned that the 6th grade Language Arts teacher had to resign because her husband received a job transfer.  Immediately, I went to the classroom, picked up my resume and took it to Ms. Howell, the principal.  I informed her that I was certified to teach this 6th grade class and I would love an opportunity to interview for the job.  She let me know that they had already been interviewing candidates, but that she would be interested in me subbing the next week as the long-term sub while the search continued for a replacement teacher.  If things went well she would consider interviewing me for the full-time position.

The next week was awesome!  I had some guidelines for instruction, but I was writing the lesson plans on my own.  I hit it off with the students right away.  It didn't take long until they were open about wanting me to be their teacher full time.  They consistently asked me to talk to Ms. Howell about the job!  Mid-week Ms. Howell asked me to be the substitute the next week.  I accepted.  On Friday, she invited me to interview for the job.  I interviewed the following Wednesday.  The interview was during my planning period toward the end of the day.  It was going well, but was cut short because I had to get my class from gym and dismiss them.  Twenty minutes later, when I got back to the conference room to continue the interview, Ms. Howell informed me that the decision had been made to offer me the job!  I accepted!

That evening the entire Facebook world knew that I had been offered the job.  However, my students didn't know.  I couldn't tell them because of protocol and needing to have everything settled with Human Resources.  The kids pushed me everyday to try do what I could to become their full-time teacher.  It felt great for them to want me.  I couldn't wait to tell them that I was indeed their teacher and that I wasn't going anywhere!  It wasn't until the next week on Thursday that they found out from Ms. Howell that I had been hired to be their teacher for the rest of the year.  It was awesome!  They were high-fiving me and hugging me!  Pure greatness!

Things have settled down a bit.  They are getting used to me and I them.  Everyday, I pray for my students as I drive to school in the morning.  God has been faithful and has answered big prayers almost daily.  This is a great mission field at O. Henry Elementary.  This is exactly where He wants me.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"What's the Plan, God?"

This blog is based on my life's journey as I live it.  What I do, where I go, what I think.  I'm sure it might not be very interesting to many of you.  No problem.  I'm not searching for an audience.  I just want a place where I can "journal" my journey.

Back in April I made the decision (with my wife's support) to walk down a different career path.  I started training and studying to be a loan originator for a mortgage company.  At first I was incredibly overwhelmed by new terminology, laws and procedures that I previously knew nothing about.  In May I took and passed the Texas State Licensing Exam.  Later I took but did not pass the National Licensing Exam.  A month later I tried again.  Although I improved my score, I still did not achieve the passing score of 75.  I continued to study and dig deeper into the mortgage industry.  Last Friday I took the National Exam for the third time.  After the third attempt you must wait six months to retake if you don't pass.  I scored a 74, missing a passing score by 1 question.  I was heartbroken.  I had never studied so hard for anything.  I knew I was ready!    At first, I wanted to try to dispute the score.  I got 86 out of 115 correct.  That calculation comes out to a 74.78%.  Unfortunately, the NMLS (Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry) does not round scores up.  Anything under a 75.0 is a failing score.  In addition, I couldn't think of a question worth disputing.  That was it.  There wasn't anything that I could do. 

So, my mind started going toward, "What do I do now?  What's the plan, God?".   We had been praying that if this was right that God would use me in this industry to bless others who don't know Jesus.  I don't want to give up, but we believe that there was absolutely no reason for me to not pass that test.  The day before I took a practice exam that had 189 difficult questions on it.  I only missed 4 questions.  Maybe this was God saying that this isn't where He wants me.  That's a hard idea to swallow after working so hard for the past few months to learn so much about an industry that I knew absolutely nothing about before (I could barely spell mortgage!). 

I try everyday to be open to the Lord's leading and to be grounded in my faith.  I try to spend time in the Proverbs each day.  This has given me great peace.  I know that God has a plan and a path for me to walk down.  As I search I will keep my eyes on Jesus; basking in the assurance I have that He loves me, cares for me and knows what is just right for me and my family!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 39

It is hard to believe that I have been off of Facebook for 39 days.  I decided to go on a 40 day fast to help me to prioritize my time and to step away from what I felt was a stronghold that the social site had on me.  With the last day of my fast from Facebook arriving tomorrow I feel a little different about things.

For the first couple of days, just out of habit, I struggled to not hit the Facebook icon on my phone.  I didn't really have a purpose for getting on the site.  It was an impulse when I became disinterested in my surroundings I guess.  Now, I can say that I don't miss it.  I may or may not log in on Wednesday after I have met my goal.  If I do log in I can say that it might be solely for the purpose of an update on my status and to take a look at my friends list.

I can't remember how many friends I have on FB, but I think it is 1300+.  I can tell you with certainty that there are folks on my friends list that I don't know.  There are some that I know, but I don't have a relationship with.  Then there are those who may or may not be in my "circle", but I know well enough to be interested in what is happening in their lives.  One of the biggest things that this time away from Facebook has done for me is to help me evaluate who my friends are and why.  Once I am back on it may be time to "trim the fat" (no offense).

This time off of Facebook has been helped me to be more purposeful.  It is fun to get on FB just to browse and check in on folks, but I think that my time on the site in the future will be more defined.  I commit to logging on for specific purposes: connection, encouragement, and updates on family life.  I think that being more deliberate with Facebook will keep me from falling back into the same pattern of wasting time that I was in before.

Overall, I am glad for this time away.  It hasn't been anything that has blown me away.  It did what I think I hoped it would do.  Maybe I am a little more focused and a little less distracted.  I hope so.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

And We All Praise the Lord!

This last Sunday I was privileged to participate in a class about praising God.  I don't often think about who all is praising God unless I am in an auditorium of other believers singing what I am singing. 
We spent a few minutes reading Psalm 148.  I would encourage you to stop reading this blog for a moment and take a look at that particular Psalm.
After the reading the class leader began talking about how scientists have developed instruments to listen stars "pulsating".  These stars are called pulsars.  Depending on the stage the pulsars are in the make different rhythmic sounds.  There is a particular instrument that is pointed at 23 pulsars in deep space.  The 23 are listened to in order to train young scientists in their particular area of expertise. 
Louie Giglio has done a presentation where he talks about the pulsars.  He introduces the sounds they make to his audience and then incorporates the sound of whales singing in the ocean here on Earth.  He takes it a step further after that!  Every time I hear this I get emotional.  May it bless you and take you to a place of worship that will bring you to the feet of God.  Peace.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An Easter Reflection (Day 5 of 40 Days of Enrichment)

Thinking on this past weekend when we remembered the death of Christ and celebrated his resurrection has brought me to a simple, yet profound place in scripture.  My daily reading has brought me to Colossians chapter 2.

"When you where dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ.  He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.  And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."  Colossians 2:13-15

Wow.  I love how Paul worded the victory we have because of what Jesus did on the cross.  So powerful and awesome.  We were dead... imprisoned and on death row because of our sin.  On the cross, Christ went into our prison, got the keys and opened the doors... freeing us!  On top of that, he completely took the powers of darkness away leaving those who dwell there completely defeated!  The Jews were looking for a king who would come in and defeat the enemy (the Romans), freeing their people.  Looks like that is what they got; in the Spiritual world.  That is what we all got!  Thank you, Jesus!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Cleaning Out the House (Day 4 of 40 Days of Enrichment)

Today I am cleaning out the house.  There is much to be done for it to be how I would like it.  The to-do list is long, but when tackling one item at a time it is doeable. 

While I clean today I have centered my thoughts on humility.  If we lack humility our walk with Christ is hindered severly.  We are called to live humbly in order to have hearts that are centered and focused on Jesus.

Read and take in these wise words from Fenelon:

   Everyone who has deeply walked with God knows that humility is the foundation that you build your spiritual life on.  True humility comes from seeking the interests of God before your own.  Humility comes in no longer living for yourself but in letting Jesus Christ live His life in you.
   You are always trying to "be something" or to be noticed for your spirituality.  There are a lot of people who have an outward spirituality, but inwardly they still think too much of themselves.  People who think they are lowering themselves have a lot of conceit.  They think they are doing others a favor in "getting down to their level."
   True humility is not like this.  I know it sounds incredible but a true humble person is content in all situations.  He doesn't notice if he is being praised or blamed, and isn't always weighing if what is being said to him, or about him, is to his advantage.  A simple person allows himself to be led by the Lord Jesus.  So let go of yourself with courage.  Whether God lifts you up or lets you remain unknown, the glory is still all His.  Say, as Mary did, "He has done great things because He has regarded my low estate."


Thursday, March 28, 2013

40 Days of Enrichment

I have been troubled lately; troubled by addiction to the internet and various forms of media.  I am quite sure that if I logged how much time I spent on Facebook, Bingo Blitz, and Words with Friends in a day I would be ashamed.  I have wasted too much valuable time playing and not enough time digging deeper with God and my family.  In addition, I can see how my attitude and thoughts are being influenced by the negativity that I am seeing on Facebook lately.  There are plenty of great updates and positive reads on Facebook, however I am wrapped up in and turned off by all the forceful political agendas out there.  I have had enough.

Therefore, I feel convicted to take an extended break from Facebook and any other media that pulls me away from the pure and contrite spirit I long for.  Starting at 12 AM on March 29 I will begin a 40 day fast from Facebook.  At the earliest I will not log back in until Tuesday, May 7th.

It is my prayer that this would be a great time of reflection, worship, prioritizing and enrichment.  I will put regular journal updates on this blog; recording my journey.  May God be honored, glorified, and put back on the throne of my heart through this fast.  Amen.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Trouble with THE Ministry

It has been a while since my last post and I'm not exactly sure why.  I have had several things to write about. Each time I thought about putting something on this on-line journal I just couldn't do it.  Looking back now, I think it is possible that I was prevented from sharing my thoughts on some topics about life and ministry because I didn't know what was going to unfold in the coming weeks and months.

In my pursuit for full-time employment I have looked a lot at church ministries.  What many who are ministers would call "the ministry".  I love being in a position that allows me to concentrate fully on spiritual matters.  However, there are many troubles that I faced as a minister.  This might sound crazy, but my biggest problem in ministry was that I didn't minister to many people who didn't have Jesus in their lives.  As a Singles Minister I was wrapped in the lives (spiritual and social) of those in my specific ministry.  I tried to involve our Lighthouse Ministry in projects that would put us in the lives of the hurting and broken - those who are living in the shadows away from God.  Nothing ever seemed to work consistently for that good purpose though.

This time last year I was concluding a study written by Bill Hybels called "Just Walk Across the Room".  I had done this study before, but it was good to be refreshed in it and to encourage others with the theme of being intentional about your relationships and telling people about Jesus.  As I led this study and thought and prayed about being more intentional about relationships for Jesus I thought about how I wasn't doing that in my job as a minister.  I thought about how I could do better.  I thought about how I could do much better at "walking across the room" in a secular job.  In my opinion, it is easier to talk to people about Jesus if they don't know that you are a minister.  Once they learn of your profession, many times the walls go up!

Last summer I started to think about getting back into education.  I prayed that God would put me in a position where I would be able to tell more not-yet Christians about His son.  He didn't open that door.  In fact, the door for a return to education seemed firmly shut!  As time went on I continued to minister at the Saturn Road church, but didn't feel I was doing what I needed to be doing.  I continued to struggle with the feeling that I wasn't ministering to the people who were without a relationship with Jesus.

In addition to these thoughts I was having about my place in ministry I struggled with spiritual attacks.  Honestly, I felt under attack for two of the two and a half years that I ministered at Saturn Road.  That was a real problem I had with "the ministry".  Unfortunately, not all the people you minister to will respect you or want you.  The harsh reality is there are people in church who play games that are ugly and hurtful.  I am not cynical, but I do have wounds that are still healing.  Ministry is hard and many folks don't take the time to look past the surface of a minister's life to see what they might be dealing with.  I have perceived changes in church life, ministry, leadership and direction that make me wonder where "the ministry" might be headed.  Frankly, I'm worried.

Remember, I did say that I enjoyed being in a position that allowed my to concentrate fully on spiritual matters.  There are some great things about ministry.  It is those things that have had me looking for a position with a church or para-church organization for the last 4 months.  I want to serve and bless others.  During this search, however, I haven't looked at any secular positions.  I haven't had any thought about what I could do or where I might start.

A few weeks ago a friend reached out to me.  He wanted to take me to lunch, encourage me and visit a little about his business and how the Lord has used it to bless him.  My first thought was, "that's nice, but I don't want to do that."  I had tunnel vision.  I was focused only on getting back into "the ministry".  After a couple of weeks I thought more about his invitation.  I decided to get together with him just to see what he had to say.  Let me say that it went well and I could tell that it was orchestrated by the Lord.  I'm not exactly sure how well yet, but I am excited.  I was reminded of my prayers to God about reaching those who don't know Jesus through a secular career.  I feel that God might be providing something and I am able to watch it unfold.  It doesn't happen often that we can see it happening when He is blessing us.  Many times we look back months or years later and say "Ohhhh!  Now I see!"

My trouble with "the ministry" is that when you are in it you can easily feel like it is the only way to reach the lost.  Dan Bouchelle recently had Jonathan Storment write on his blog.  The post was very honest and thought provoking.  It talks a lot about why Jonathan loves to preach, but goes to the essence of secular ministry.  Working in and for a church family is not the only ministry.  I pray that if you are a doctor, teacher, real estate agent, grocery store clerk, or restaurant employee that you would see your job... your career as a ministry.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christians Lack Urgency

In the time I have been away from full-time ministry (nearly 2.5 months) I have been able to wander in self-reflection.  I have thought some about what I would have done differently as the Singles Minister at Saturn Road.  I have thought a lot about what I will do next, or better stated, what the Lord would have me do next.  I have thought about Jesus, his life, and his ministry.  I have thought about his words and how he said them.  Where was the inflection?  Why did he say that?

I have thought about discipleship.  In my last post I shared from my personal journal that I don't feel that I am currently making any disciples.  That disappoints me.  I could come up with all kinds of excuses for this but honestly, I don't think that I would want to give any of them to Jesus if he asked.  So, what's the deal?  Why don't I take the time to develop relationships with non-Christians that might one day be Christ followers?  Why don't I share the Gospel story to someone... anyone?  Maybe I have lacked urgency.  Maybe Christians in general lack urgency.

I have picked up a book (again) called Transforming Discipleship by Greg Ogden.  I am just at the beginning, but I am in it.  It reminds me a lot of good relational/discipleship stuff that I have read before by Bill Hybels, Wolfgang Peterson, Alan Hirsch and others.  This book is shedding some light on some areas that I have not been concentrating on in my spiritual walk lately.  I like to think that I take Christ seriously.  I think that I take his commission to his followers to "make disciples of all nations" seriously.  I have made disciples and I have made them in other countries.  However, I am not currently engaged in a discussion with a not-yet Christian about Jesus and that bothers me.

One statistic that Ogden throws out there for the reader revolves around a lack of urgency in sharing the "good news" and making disciples.  He states "that it takes 100 members of a congregation to win 1.67 people to Christ in a given year."  Wow.  That is a crippling statistic.  That breaks my heart.  Christians today don't just lack urgency, they are complacent.  They don't care enough.  They don't seem to view what they have as worthy.  They are scared.

What/where has this gotten us (Christians)?  Let me share something else that is in Ogden's book:

Only a generation ago, two Christian prophets, Francis Schaeffer and Elton Trueblood, predicted that we were one generation away from losing the memory of Christianity in our culture.  They both referred to America as a "cut-flower" society.  By that they meant that our culture has been severed from its Judeo-Christian roots and that we are living on the memory of faith.  They predicted that it would take just one more generation for this memory to fade.  We are that generation.  Preachers and teachers of the Word can no longer assume that mention of biblical figures like David and Goliath will instantly draw the story to people's memories.  No assumptions can be made about what people know or the beliefs they hold.

I hope this gets your attention!  I hope this is real to you!  I hope this makes you feel urgent about sharing Jesus with people who don't yet know him!

This kicks me in the gut because it is exactly what I have known and haven't been doing anything about.  This makes me pray for open doors of opportunity to make and build relationships... Kingdom relationships.  This makes me want to share on any level that might help someone... anyone know Jesus and his love.  This seriously makes me want to make disciples and help others make disciples.  

May God light a fire of urgency in his people to share Jesus in true, authentic, life-changing ways that can open the world up to the gates of heaven.   

Monday, February 4, 2013

Straight From My Journal: I want to be like Jesus

I am on a journey.  I pray.  I worship.  I think.  I thank.  I pray again.

I trust that the Lord knows "just what I need."  My heart is longing for a closer relationship, a more intimate relationship with the Creator.  As I study the Word and meditate and pray I am more and more convicted to live a life of sacrifice and discipleship.  What does that look like though?  How am I currently being sacrificial?  I'm not sure I am.  How am I making disciples of Jesus?  Right now... today... I'm not.  Where do I start?  I think I start by first reevaluating what it means to be like Jesus.  I have asked and answered this question before, but not really for myself - for my journey.  If I want to be like Jesus I need to love God, love my neighbor, and forgive my enemies.  I think if I focus on these things in my life everything else that really matters will fall into place.  Maybe that is too simplistic, but frankly, I like simplicity and I think I need more of it.

"Father, help me to be like your Son.  Help me to love you more, to love my neighbor and to demonstrate forgiveness in genuine and authentic ways.  Help me to walk with humility and integrity.  Help me to be thoughtful and wise.  Help me to listen.  Help me to be calm.  Help me to be your ambassador of love and mercy.  In Christ I pray.  Amen."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fear: The Call to Fear God

Picking up where we left off yesterday, I would like to discuss the concept of our call to fear the Lord.  Do you fear God?  What do you think of when you think of God?  I have been challenged by Francis Chan to think of Revelation chapter 4 when I think of the Father.  Let's look at that passage of scripture starting in verse 1 and continuing to verse 8:

"Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast.  The voice said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this."  And instantly I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it.  The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones - like jasper and carnelian.  And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow.  Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them.  They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads.  From the throne came flashes of lightening and the rumble of thunder.  And in front of the throne were seven torches with burning flames.  This is the sevenfold Spirit of God.  In front of the throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal.
In the center and around the throne were four living beings, each covered with eyes, front and back.  The first of these living beings was like a lion; the second was like an ox; the third had a human face; and the fourth was like an eagle in flight.  Each of these living beings had six wings, and their wings were covered all over with eyes, inside and out.  Day after day and night after night they keep on saying,
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty -
the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come."

Wow.  Imagine being the witness to such a site.  The awesomeness of the moment would take me away.  Do I stand?  Do I kneel?  Do I lay prostrate?  I don't know for sure, but I do know that I say over and over "holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty - the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come."

That is a healthy fear.  That is respect and love and admiration.  Our fear of the Lord is tangled up in our love for him.  The fear that I spoke about yesterday does not know love.  In fact, 1 John 4:18 says, "Such love (the love of God) has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.  If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love".  Again, wow.

If we take a close look at the Word we can see plainly the benefits of expressing or showing a healthy fear toward the Creator.  Throughout the Old Testament we have examples.  Here are just a few:

Psalm 2:11 "Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling."
Psalm 25:12 "Who, then, are those who fear the Lord?  He will instruct them in the ways they should choose."
Psalm 25:14 "The Lord confides in those who fear him; he will make his covenant known to them."
Psalm 33:18 "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love..."

Some things to think about:
Where do you put your fear?  In God?  In the world?
How do you view God?  Do you see him as he is - majestic and worthy of infinite worship?
What will you do with the lies of Satan that cause worldly fear?
Will you allow the Lord God to bless you through your call to fear, love and respect him?

Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Fear: Origins

Fear is something that I find quite intriguing, and although I am no academic expert on the subject, I thought I would dabble in it for a couple of posts.

I first want to ask the question: where does fear come from?  What is its origin?  When do we first see fear in the Bible?  If we look early on at the life of Adam and Eve in the garden we see that they demonstrated fear by hiding from God after they had eaten the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:10).  They had just sinned.  Where did the sin come from?  Satan.  Satan breeds fear.  Fear leads to lies, deceit, manipulation, and eventually death.

Have you ever bought into a lie spun by Satan (through someone else or even you) that led to fear?  I have.  I have often times labeled myself as inadequate, unworthy, or not smart enough because of the lies that Satan has planted in me. Some of these have come from other people and some of these have come from "the evil one".  So, how do we escape these lies?  How do we identify them as lies and look to truth?  What is the truth?  Well, I'm glad you asked!  Here is a passage of scripture that I love.  This has helped me stay focused on strength, truth, and power!

2 Timothy 1:3-12 says:

I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.  Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.  I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.  For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of hands.  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.  So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner.  Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. He has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.  This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.  And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.  That is why I am suffering as I am.  Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.

I especially love verse 7 here (bold, italicized).  We are empowered by the Spirit of God to fight fear!  We are not made to be timid!  The context of this passage is regarding the spreading of the Good News.  Paul is encouraging Timothy in his spiritual walk and is trying to help him look past the pressures of the world.  Satan is of the world, therefore, that is where we find lies.  You will not find that truth originates in the world.  Truth only comes from above.  So, in order to identify what is truth and what is lie we must ask ourselves where it is that our doubts, fears, and uncertainties come from.  You can look at this passage of scripture taken from 2 Timothy and ask yourself "what are some pressures (lies) that I take on that shake my faith?"  Identify the lies.  Look for and identify the truth that is exposed by the Spirit.  Praise God!

Fear does have a good side.  It aligns itself with respect.  The way a child should respect the love and authority of a parent.  We are called to fear the Lord!  I will address this concept in the next post.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Have you ever thought about who belongs in your community?  What is that exactly?  Is community the people who live in the houses on your street?  Is it your church family?  Who plays a part in your community?  Well, I like to think about things like this, so I will share my thoughts.  Community, in my opinion is the relationships that we invest in.  According to the world, community is your town or village or neighborhood.  Spiritually speaking, it revolves around your relationships.  My good friend, Bren White, likes to say "It's all about relationship!"  That is what life is meant to encompass... relationship.  We are not meant to be alone.  We are not meant to be secluded.  We are meant for community, relationship, fellowship.

About three years ago I read a very interesting book entitled, The Community Life of God by Milt Rodriguez.  I enjoyed it a lot.  In it, Mr. Rodriguez spoke about our design for relationship/community.  He had some interesting points about how God feels about relationship.  I grew up with the thought that God sat on a cloud in heaven answering prayers and giving guidance alone.  I don't know why I thought that way exactly, but that is what was in my childhood mind.  With the help of Mr. Rodriguez I see how God, from before time, has been in constant community and relationship with the Son and the Spirit!  They are always working together.  They are always in fellowship.  They are always in communion.  That thought was profound for me.  It made me see Jesus in the garden and on the cross in a new light.  I always saw Christ as being alone in those places, but I'm sure He wasn't.  The cross may have been the first time that there was a separation of the three and that is why Jesus said, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?") in Matthew chapter 27.

I think about those that I have been in close communion with.  I think about important conversations and times of prayer.  I think about the laughter and tears.  I think about confession and blessing.  Ask yourself (and I will ask myself too), "What do I look for in community?  What do I put into my community and relationships?"  Jesus put a lot into His community when He was in fellowship with the twelve.  He modeled fellowship, relationship and community throughout His ministry.  If we want to be like Jesus, I believe one ingredient is to dive into community and to discover how we might bless, encourage, love, share and fulfill.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Life is full of change and transition.  Sometimes transitions are difficult when you are in the midst of them.  I am currently in the middle of such a transition.  After two and a half years of service with the Saturn Road church of Christ I am seeking out what God has planned next.  I didn't really plan to be in this position, but life has taught me that you really can't make plans and not expect that it is possible that God might have something else in mind. 

With God in charge the change and transition is easier.  I try each day to focus on His plan and care for me and my family.  I am confident that I have nothing to worry about as I search for a new ministry where I will be needed and wanted and where I can express my gifts in a way that bring the Father glory.

Trust is the main ingredient.  Each day I remind myself that I am made to worship and praise and trust in Him.  I hope and pray that as we go from where we are today to where we will be tomorrow we will be a light of hope to those who don't have any. 

This post is the first of this new blog.  I'm not sure what I hope to get out of this.  Maybe it will be a healthy outlet of expression and hope as I move forward and discover myself, my future and my God.  In any case, I'm glad you are here.