Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 39

It is hard to believe that I have been off of Facebook for 39 days.  I decided to go on a 40 day fast to help me to prioritize my time and to step away from what I felt was a stronghold that the social site had on me.  With the last day of my fast from Facebook arriving tomorrow I feel a little different about things.

For the first couple of days, just out of habit, I struggled to not hit the Facebook icon on my phone.  I didn't really have a purpose for getting on the site.  It was an impulse when I became disinterested in my surroundings I guess.  Now, I can say that I don't miss it.  I may or may not log in on Wednesday after I have met my goal.  If I do log in I can say that it might be solely for the purpose of an update on my status and to take a look at my friends list.

I can't remember how many friends I have on FB, but I think it is 1300+.  I can tell you with certainty that there are folks on my friends list that I don't know.  There are some that I know, but I don't have a relationship with.  Then there are those who may or may not be in my "circle", but I know well enough to be interested in what is happening in their lives.  One of the biggest things that this time away from Facebook has done for me is to help me evaluate who my friends are and why.  Once I am back on it may be time to "trim the fat" (no offense).

This time off of Facebook has been helped me to be more purposeful.  It is fun to get on FB just to browse and check in on folks, but I think that my time on the site in the future will be more defined.  I commit to logging on for specific purposes: connection, encouragement, and updates on family life.  I think that being more deliberate with Facebook will keep me from falling back into the same pattern of wasting time that I was in before.

Overall, I am glad for this time away.  It hasn't been anything that has blown me away.  It did what I think I hoped it would do.  Maybe I am a little more focused and a little less distracted.  I hope so.