Friday, January 18, 2013


Life is full of change and transition.  Sometimes transitions are difficult when you are in the midst of them.  I am currently in the middle of such a transition.  After two and a half years of service with the Saturn Road church of Christ I am seeking out what God has planned next.  I didn't really plan to be in this position, but life has taught me that you really can't make plans and not expect that it is possible that God might have something else in mind. 

With God in charge the change and transition is easier.  I try each day to focus on His plan and care for me and my family.  I am confident that I have nothing to worry about as I search for a new ministry where I will be needed and wanted and where I can express my gifts in a way that bring the Father glory.

Trust is the main ingredient.  Each day I remind myself that I am made to worship and praise and trust in Him.  I hope and pray that as we go from where we are today to where we will be tomorrow we will be a light of hope to those who don't have any. 

This post is the first of this new blog.  I'm not sure what I hope to get out of this.  Maybe it will be a healthy outlet of expression and hope as I move forward and discover myself, my future and my God.  In any case, I'm glad you are here.