Saturday, August 5, 2017

Running and Prayer

Recently I started a couple of practices that have begun to gradually improve my physical and spiritual/mental health.  For the first time in my life I am running for physical exercise.  My motivation has been to increase physical endurance, improve my blood pressure and "good" cholesterol numbers, and maybe lose a little weight.  I started off running about a half mile to now running at least a mile and a quarter.  I run as often as I can which ends up being about 5 days out of a week.  I never thought that I would be a runner.  I never thought that I would enjoy or look forward to this kind of exercise, but I really do.  I feel good about what I am doing and how I am doing it.
As I run and especially as I cool down and walk back home I have begun to be more intentional in my prayer life.  I use the time alone on the trail as a time to focus on conversation with my Creator.  It has evolved into a time of listening and petitioning.  I pray for wisdom and guidance as a husband and dad; I pray for my friends who are going through transitions; I pray for health and healing of my friends and family members who are sick; I pray that I would be used to touch people with what I write and teach.
It is interesting to me that these two activities (running and prayer) are working hand in hand to assist me in being a better person.  I know that I still have a long way to go, but I hope that those in my life that I interact with can see positive changes.  What do you do to grow and strengthen yourself?  How can you be better?