Saturday, November 2, 2013

Where He Wants Me

The last time I wrote on this blog I was really searching.  I had just encountered a major setback and was looking for answers.  I was really wanting God to reveal to me what His plan for me, as far as a career, should be.

After I didn't pass the NMLS exam I decided that I should look into substitute teaching until I could figure out a more concrete plan.  It took a couple of weeks to get going, but I was soon substitute teaching every day in the Wylie school system where Jennifer teaches and Elisa is a student.  I was really enjoying it and decided that I needed to use this as a catalyst to get back into the classroom full time.  Subbing was helping me to sharpen my rusty classroom management skills and network with school principals and other teachers. Within a couple of weeks, we decided that I should broaden the area in which I was working.  So, I applied to be a sub in the Richardson school district too.

I had substitute orientation in Richardson on a Wednesday morning toward the beginning of October.  That afternoon I got a phone call from the automated system informing me of a job at O. Henry Elementary school teaching 5th grade Language Arts.  I took the job.  I was excited to already have a job lined up, especially since it was at the school where my friend is the school nurse.

When I first walked into OHE I loved it.  It was comfortable in its own skin like the elementary school I attended when I was a child.  It was a little, humble school that catered to young students who might have to work a little harder to become something due to their demographic and home lives.  The students were receptive to me and things went well.  Half-way through the day, during lunch, I learned that the 6th grade Language Arts teacher had to resign because her husband received a job transfer.  Immediately, I went to the classroom, picked up my resume and took it to Ms. Howell, the principal.  I informed her that I was certified to teach this 6th grade class and I would love an opportunity to interview for the job.  She let me know that they had already been interviewing candidates, but that she would be interested in me subbing the next week as the long-term sub while the search continued for a replacement teacher.  If things went well she would consider interviewing me for the full-time position.

The next week was awesome!  I had some guidelines for instruction, but I was writing the lesson plans on my own.  I hit it off with the students right away.  It didn't take long until they were open about wanting me to be their teacher full time.  They consistently asked me to talk to Ms. Howell about the job!  Mid-week Ms. Howell asked me to be the substitute the next week.  I accepted.  On Friday, she invited me to interview for the job.  I interviewed the following Wednesday.  The interview was during my planning period toward the end of the day.  It was going well, but was cut short because I had to get my class from gym and dismiss them.  Twenty minutes later, when I got back to the conference room to continue the interview, Ms. Howell informed me that the decision had been made to offer me the job!  I accepted!

That evening the entire Facebook world knew that I had been offered the job.  However, my students didn't know.  I couldn't tell them because of protocol and needing to have everything settled with Human Resources.  The kids pushed me everyday to try do what I could to become their full-time teacher.  It felt great for them to want me.  I couldn't wait to tell them that I was indeed their teacher and that I wasn't going anywhere!  It wasn't until the next week on Thursday that they found out from Ms. Howell that I had been hired to be their teacher for the rest of the year.  It was awesome!  They were high-fiving me and hugging me!  Pure greatness!

Things have settled down a bit.  They are getting used to me and I them.  Everyday, I pray for my students as I drive to school in the morning.  God has been faithful and has answered big prayers almost daily.  This is a great mission field at O. Henry Elementary.  This is exactly where He wants me.