Tuesday, April 23, 2013

And We All Praise the Lord!

This last Sunday I was privileged to participate in a class about praising God.  I don't often think about who all is praising God unless I am in an auditorium of other believers singing what I am singing. 
We spent a few minutes reading Psalm 148.  I would encourage you to stop reading this blog for a moment and take a look at that particular Psalm.
After the reading the class leader began talking about how scientists have developed instruments to listen stars "pulsating".  These stars are called pulsars.  Depending on the stage the pulsars are in the make different rhythmic sounds.  There is a particular instrument that is pointed at 23 pulsars in deep space.  The 23 are listened to in order to train young scientists in their particular area of expertise. 
Louie Giglio has done a presentation where he talks about the pulsars.  He introduces the sounds they make to his audience and then incorporates the sound of whales singing in the ocean here on Earth.  He takes it a step further after that!  Every time I hear this I get emotional.  May it bless you and take you to a place of worship that will bring you to the feet of God.  Peace.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An Easter Reflection (Day 5 of 40 Days of Enrichment)

Thinking on this past weekend when we remembered the death of Christ and celebrated his resurrection has brought me to a simple, yet profound place in scripture.  My daily reading has brought me to Colossians chapter 2.

"When you where dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ.  He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.  And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."  Colossians 2:13-15

Wow.  I love how Paul worded the victory we have because of what Jesus did on the cross.  So powerful and awesome.  We were dead... imprisoned and on death row because of our sin.  On the cross, Christ went into our prison, got the keys and opened the doors... freeing us!  On top of that, he completely took the powers of darkness away leaving those who dwell there completely defeated!  The Jews were looking for a king who would come in and defeat the enemy (the Romans), freeing their people.  Looks like that is what they got; in the Spiritual world.  That is what we all got!  Thank you, Jesus!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Cleaning Out the House (Day 4 of 40 Days of Enrichment)

Today I am cleaning out the house.  There is much to be done for it to be how I would like it.  The to-do list is long, but when tackling one item at a time it is doeable. 

While I clean today I have centered my thoughts on humility.  If we lack humility our walk with Christ is hindered severly.  We are called to live humbly in order to have hearts that are centered and focused on Jesus.

Read and take in these wise words from Fenelon:

   Everyone who has deeply walked with God knows that humility is the foundation that you build your spiritual life on.  True humility comes from seeking the interests of God before your own.  Humility comes in no longer living for yourself but in letting Jesus Christ live His life in you.
   You are always trying to "be something" or to be noticed for your spirituality.  There are a lot of people who have an outward spirituality, but inwardly they still think too much of themselves.  People who think they are lowering themselves have a lot of conceit.  They think they are doing others a favor in "getting down to their level."
   True humility is not like this.  I know it sounds incredible but a true humble person is content in all situations.  He doesn't notice if he is being praised or blamed, and isn't always weighing if what is being said to him, or about him, is to his advantage.  A simple person allows himself to be led by the Lord Jesus.  So let go of yourself with courage.  Whether God lifts you up or lets you remain unknown, the glory is still all His.  Say, as Mary did, "He has done great things because He has regarded my low estate."
